俄語口譯價錢幫一名波蘭朋友徵求接案翻譯機會 語言: 英文翻譯成波蘭文 或是波蘭文翻譯成英文 (若是不合適在這徵求 翻譯話 還請指出) 下面是伴侶的自介文(也同時徵求英文、波蘭文家教機遇喔!) ---------------------------------- ENGLISH and POLISH private tutor/ TRANSLATOR Polish-English;English-Polish I am knowledgeable Polish native speaker with strong written and verbal skills of English as second language. I am able to provide private lessons for people who wants to learn one of above mentioned languages. The lessons will be always adjusted to your individual level 翻譯公司 needs 翻譯公司 demands and purpose of language study. I can assure you that after our lessons, your language will improve no matter how difficult you think studying another language is. I have been studying in Amsterdam, Netherlands and graduated with bachelor of Fine Arts in audio visual field. While involved in various projects organised in different countries like Germany 翻譯公司 Spain, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, France and Japan, I got an opportunity to understand and get to know the needs 翻譯公司 challenges and usage of foreign languages. Through this I developed competence and extended proficiency in English. Having to write various essays, presentations, official letters and thesis built up my writing skills therefore and I am able to provide satisfactory translation done in a precise manner. I am reliable, hard working well communicative translator who always meets deadlines. I have been freelance translator for Polish employees in Netherlands during official meeting with Dutch authorities. Being a private English tutor in Poland and Taiwan helped me understand the structure of English as well as its correlation with Polish language. I have been employed as english tutor in French International school in Amsterdam. I am well positive person with a lot of passion and love for people and languages therefore I will give all my knowledge and enthusiasm to our lessons. Believe that studying language can be effective and pleasant. Foreign language is like a bridge to the other adventure


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印地語翻譯SKT VS FW 2017 MSI SEMIFINALS TRASHTALK THREAD https://redd.it/6c2o2v 1. [+] 告知閃電狼,他們只需要贏三個 BO1 就好了 2. [+] SKT 殺手革命性新產品 ─ 中路 路西恩 3. [+] 閃電狼 (Flash Wolves)? SKT 會讓他們看起來像Dire Wolves (打包回家 翻譯澳洲步隊) 4. [+] 1) 讓 Profit 先發 2) ????? 3) Profit *4) Liquid~ [-] 可是 Profit 底子不克不及打,只有一個替補 翻譯社 SKT 已有了 Blank (譯:空白) [-] 誰? [-] Blank [-] 誰啊? [-] BLAN俠 (BALNK MAN)!!!! http://imgur.com/a/5UZYc 5. [+] Faker 過譽了 [-] Karsa : 幫我拿著"熊" (HOLD MY BEARS) (*應當是打錯字了) [-] 天哪,為什麼他會有熊? 進展他不要把熊冰到冰箱去。 [-] 你還記得前次橘子熊碰到 SKT 的下場嗎? 6. [+] 這系列賽打完,人們會稱他們作 垃圾狼 (TRASH WOLVES) [-] 破壞狼 (CRASHED WOLVES) [-] 打爆狼 (SMASHED WOLVES) [-] 噴爆狼 (SPLASHED WOLVES) [-] 被花生閃電狼 (FLASHED BY PEANUT WOLVES) 7. [+] 就算肯伊·威斯特來也修(Fixed)欠好這些狼。 (*肯伊·威斯特有一張專輯叫做 Wolves,有出 Fixed 版) 8. [+] 火花小狗 (SPARK DOGGIES) 9. [+] 閃電狼基本沒有金牌選手,一點機遇都沒有 10 [+] 如果閃電狼贏了,我就戒掉健怡可樂 (DIET COKE) [-] 入手下手喝正常可樂嗎? 11. [+] 假如SKT贏了FW,剩下 翻譯角逐沒有什麼悅目的了 [-] 東方 vs 東方 的冠軍賽,西方可以含淚鑒賞 12. [+] 這BO5打完, SKT 會代表韓國第一笨隊;因為 SKT 笨到以為本身可以贏! [-] 這BO5打完,FW 會代表 Free Win;因為 SKT 會 3-0 他們並挺進冠軍賽 13. [+] 閃電狼依照他們的老例: 小組賽擊敗韓國人,然後分開這賽事 (FLASH OUT OF THE TOURNAMENT.) 目前,他們要面臨的是 神 翻譯真臉孔 並且,他們殺韓的神力已一去不復返了 翻譯社 14. [+] 閃電狼, WE 正在冠軍戰等你來完成中國內戰,你絕對不克不及在這邊停下! 15. [+] 閃電狼? 我看起來更像 閃現-撞到-牆 (FLASH-TO-THE-WALLS) [-] Faker 前次已示範過了 16. [+] 若是被 SKT 3-0,閃電狼應當要更名叫 落水狼 (WASHED WOLVES ) [-] 沖水狼 (FLUSHED WOLVES) 17. [+] Karsa 會向花生展現怎麼玩李星 18. [+] Maple > Faker 19. [+] 閃電狼將會獲勝,記住這話是我先說的! (FW WILL WIN YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST) [-] 一場? 照樣 BO5? 說清晰啊喂~ 20. [+] 閃電狼贏了,我會去弄一個閃電狼刺青 21. [+] 1 Wolf > 5 wolves;重質不重量,SKT 3-0 22. [+] 身為一個中國人,假如 FW 贏了,我會跑去天安門廣場 大呼"中華民國萬歲,我幹你媽共匪" (原文) https://goo.gl/kg3ZLW As a Chinese 翻譯公司 if Flash Wolves won I gonna go to the Tiananmen Square and shout "ZhongHua MinGuo wansui! Wo cao ni ma Gongfei!" (Translation: Long lived the Republic of China! I fucked your mom Communist Bandit!). -End 就降~ ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ 擺出《進步高棉》 翻譯姿勢 -- 『沒錯,這是一篇廢文。』 『揮霍了你兩分鐘的人生了嗎? 賺、賺、賺。』 。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 _(°ω°」 ∠)_


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英文翻譯德文Twin☆くるっ★テール Vocals: ファミリアツイン (Familia Twin) 城ヶ崎美嘉(CV:佳村はるか) 城ヶ崎莉嘉(CV:山本但願) 作詞:八城雄太 作曲:内海孝彰(TRYTONELABO) 編曲:Lucas(TRYTONELABO)、内海孝彰(TRYTONELABO) https://youtu.be/JYWYWo4vD4g


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奧特曼文翻譯口譯說話翻譯公司中翻英 1翻譯由於大型航空公司不願意辦事,為了彌補某些較小城市商務需求,以高雄為基地 翻譯廉價航空 StarJet,計畫 9 月 21 日增加高雄花蓮航線 翻譯社該公司於本年 4 月份啟動,操縱七人座飛機,現已就事高雄、臺東、金門及澎湖等地,加上 即將插手的花蓮。其解決階層所針對的城市,天天大約有四位商務客人固定往 返,此航路卻被其他航空公司捨棄。 Because big airlines are unwilling to serve翻譯社 for filling the business need in some smaller cities 翻譯公司 the cheap airline, Star Jet, which is based on Kaohsiung plans to increase a flight from Kaohsiung to Hualien. The company started with seven seats planes in April this year. Including Hualien which is added into 翻譯公司 they have served in Kaohsiung翻譯社 Taitung, Kinmen and Penghu. Everyday there are about four business customers go and back regularly to the cities which the managers focus on, while this air line is disposed by other airlines. 2 翻譯社網路科技越來越發家,資訊取得較之前更為輕易,想知道某人 翻譯動靜,只要在goole等網路收詢引擎打上幾個關頭字即可略知一二,乃至連告白行銷也以此為賣點,火紅了好一陣子翻譯 Because the technology of Internet becomes advanced翻譯社 getting information is much easier than before. If we want to know the news about someone 翻譯公司 we can get it just by typing in some keywords on the searching engines such as Google. Even the advertisement uses that as a selling point翻譯社 and it has been popular for a while. 英翻中 Innovation is at a premium in organizations as the source of new products, new markets and (increasingly) new business processes. The organizational capacity for innovation and creativity has taken on a renewed significance, with the shift from an economy based on material products and transactions toward a “creative economy” in which ideas and knowledge are the new capital. 創新對組織來說,就如同新產品、新市場和日趨首要的新貿易模式一樣的主要。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯隨著以實體產品生意為主的經濟模式,改變爲以設法主意與常識尾新焦點 翻譯"創作發明性"經濟以來,創新與獨創對於組織的產能代表了一個全新 翻譯意義翻譯 以上幾題不知是不是翻的適合,請指教,感謝。
文章出自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Translation/M.1472193826.A.97C.html有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢鉦昱翻譯社


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Listen to the story


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「其實,這不是我第一次外遇……」他用感傷的語氣說,而不是忸捏。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

而終究妻子都諒解了他,但她總替丈夫擔憂著,因為愛、因為牽掛,而沒法像個蒙昧的小女孩無憂無慮地企盼著他 翻譯社


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Even lying is fine? Show me where you live?


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翻譯論文────────────────────────────────────── [必]企業/組織全名:agoda.com [必]同一編號:。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯境外公司無統編 [必]負 責 人:Robert Rosenstein [必]地  址:新加坡 [必]電  話:譯者聯系均以電子郵件為主 [選]傳  真: ────────────────────────────────────── [必]工作類型:網站LQA人員(兼職) [必]全/兼職:兼職 [必]觸及說話:繁體中文(台灣) [必]所屬範疇:旅遊 [必]酬勞計算:按小時計價 翻譯公司 由譯者自行報價USD為單位,如USD 20/per hour ────────────────────────────────────── [必]應徵條件:台灣native speaker [必]應徵刻日:徵到為止 [必]聯 絡 人:Eric / Lingya [必]聯系體式格局:[email protected] (Eric) AND [email protected] (Lingya) ────────────────────────────────────── [選]其他事項:代PO,請勿回站內信 - 請詳閱下方內容後再發履歷 Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) is your native language? You’ve got what we’re looking for! Agoda is one of the world’s fastest-growing online hotel platforms. Established in 2005 as a start-up, Agoda expanded fast and is now part of one of the world’s largest travel companies. We provide online booking services in 38 different languages to our millions of users. Travel is a global culture, and so is Agoda. To make sure we’re truly speaking the language of our worldwide users, we’re embarking on a major quality improvement project. We are looking for experienced freelance Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) linguists to audit our website. We’re seeking real linguists with knowledge and experience in the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry for this important work, and will compensate on a freelance basis. Experience in copywriting and the translation of marketing content is a definite plus. What is the actual work? This is a freelance job that will take approximately 6 hours to complete. You will be performing a full review of our storefront. We prepared a testing plan that will take you through every page of the website and through the booking process, with specific questions. Through this review, we hope to collect feedback and suggestions on how to maintain and improve our translation/localization quality in Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). Who are we looking for? - Taiwanese only - At least 2 years of full time experience in translation - Experience in quality control is a plus - Travel/tourism/hospitality should be one of your primary fields of expertise - Candidates should be fluent in English How do we reward your efforts? - We will apply a per-hour rate for this task. How to apply? - Please send your resume in English to “ [email protected] (Eric) AND [email protected] (Lingya) “, along with the hourly rate you will charge (from USD 20/per hour), as well as a sample of your translation work. (Including a resume in Chinese would be useful, but an English version is a must) - Only selected applicants will receive a reply. - Email title: 【LQA application】Your Name Be a part of the growing travel industry. Send your resume today!


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