
    Perhaps I should try to circulate this document in the next WTO meeting as a room document, so I can immediately reach 169 markets once.

    比來一期的Books From Taiwan可以下載,裡面有很多有趣的台灣作品。也許我應該要在WTO會議發一下,一下就能夠觸及169國的市場。

    You may download the latest version of Books From Taiwan here. There are some quite interesting books. 

    Interesting is that the English translation of The Grand Candidius Hotel here reads catchier and smarter than the Chinese original, like somewhat a NY Bestseller. An illusion is that if this English novel being translated into Chinese, it will be a big hit. Allow me to cite a few paragraphs:

    無論若何,看到自己作品 翻譯英文譯本很新穎 翻譯社如果您恰好是個非台灣的出書業者,正在找快節奏、充溢著瘋狂情節與詭計的推理小說的話,《接待惠臨康堤紐斯大飯館》會是個好選擇。


    The Candidius has everything a five-star hotel ought to have: comfortable rooms, good service, in-house spa 翻譯公司 excellent cuisine and a quality wine list.…Yet beyond that, the hotel is a dreamlike creation tucked away in the last patch of untouched scenery in Taiwan’s central mountains. It perches on a two hundred-foot cliff above the blue waters of a perfect alpine lake, its two pure white wings outstretched like an angel’s, embracing every shade of blue and green. You will scarcely mind the hundreds of stone steps you have to descend, when you find yourself immersed in nature on the narrow pathway between the cliff and the edge of the lake. What is that lapping, rustling, blowing sound? It is the ancient hymn of the forest. It is the drumming of this island’s heartbeat.。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

    Not bad 翻譯公司 right?

    不知是不是是我崇洋的關係,我感覺這裡的英文節譯讀起來比《接待惠臨康堤紐斯大飯鋪》 翻譯中文本來還有趣,如同真是什麼很利害的美國暢銷作品,感受若是這本英文小說翻成中文就會很暢銷(中文不就你自己寫 翻譯嗎?)