
相關資訊: http://www.jwbooks.com.tw/catalog/link/SEO34-index.htm

申明: 引號的圓括號內文字是引述的作者、出書年份和頁數,而句號是放在圓刮號之後。 

申明: 以上這句是美式英文,用雙引號,並且句點是置於後引號以內翻譯不外要注意,若是是英式英文的話,則有多是用單引號,並且把句點置於後引號以外。以下句:

訪談供給一個幻想的平台使「受訪者可以或許以他們本身的話來表達他們的設法」(Patton, 1990:290)

Interviews offer an ideal platform where respondents can express their own understandings in their own terms (Patton, 1990:290).

Ethos is understood here as the set of ideas and attitudes that is associated with a particular group of people or with a particular activity(Collins Cobuild English dictionary).


申明: 引號中的引述被整合至作者的寫作中,是以引號內文字的句首不需大寫,最後的標點逗號也放在引號以外。 

An ETS publication reports that the correlation coefficient between the multiple-choice and essay components of the English Composition Test is .47, lower even than the .66 correlation coefficient reported between verbal and mathematical scores of the SAT.