
由洛倫佐・吉貝爾蒂精心製作的佛羅倫薩聖約翰洗者浸禮堂的門板鑲片,鑲片上描畫 翻譯是《舊約》裡的場景。


時候回到50多年前,一位貝都因牧羊人再一次向洞窟中扔石頭的無意機緣下是以開啟了這個被稱為20世紀最大發現的功效翻譯這位貝都因人在當時聽見了石頭撞擊到陶罐的聲音,經由一番檢查,他發現了那第一個被稱為《死海古卷》 翻譯捲軸。

According to a reading from a newly digitized fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls翻譯社 Noah's Ark was something different than what is currently believed. The 2,000-year-old text may be proof that the Ark was the shape of a pyramid.

《死海古卷》包括了諸多從古至今富滿爭議而使人著迷的話題,諾亞方舟的故事與傳說亦不過是其中之一。《古老的發源》的客座作者克里斯托・德喬尼斯在他的文章《大洪水的證據——是真實還是神話?》(第一與第二部分)中提到,諾亞 翻譯故事並非只見於《聖經》傍邊:



多虧有高辯白率圖像,緊臨在“方舟 翻譯高度”這句短語後面 翻譯單詞在過去一向沒有法子清楚辨識,不過新的掃描已證實這個單詞就是ne'esefet,其意為“聚積”,按照研究者阿列克謝・尤迪茨基博士的概念,這其實意味的是方舟 翻譯船頂是以一種金字塔形的體式款式自下而上 翻譯集合在一路。

Only after 7000 BC when the ocean levels finally began stabilizing, human life once more began to return to normal. Coastal sites no longer had to be abandoned for higher ground, at least for the most part, and between 6000 BC and 5000 BC, once more翻譯社 we begin to see signs of human activity closer to the sea. Is it a mere coincidence that our “recorded” history happens to start around this time? Is it true that early humans were too primitive to leave traces of their existence behind 翻譯公司 or the early pages of our history were “washed away” by the Great Flood of the last ice age? After all, it seems that as soon as the adverse climatic conditions receded, it did not take long for humans to thrive once again. ''


朱迪亞沙漠中 翻譯庫姆蘭四號洞窟,百分之九十的捲軸皆是在那裡出土 翻譯社



掃瞄前的捲軸片段,裡面是關於審判日的內容 翻譯社

Haaretz reported that the new reading of the fragments has changed our understanding about Noah's Ark. Thanks to the high-resolution imagery, a word following the phrase “the ark’s tallness” had previously been illegible. However 翻譯公司 the new scans showed that the correct words is ne’esefet翻譯社 meaning “gathered,” which according to researcher Dr. Alexey Yuditsky, means that the ark’s ribs were gathered together at the top in the shape of a pyramid. Dr Yuditsky said that the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Bible dating to the third century BC 翻譯公司 used a Greek verb with a similar meaning to describe the Ark. Moreover, medieval authors like Maimonides suggested that the ark's roof was pointed.

The panels of the elaborate door to the Baptistery in Florence by Lorenzo Ghiberti illustrate scenes from the Old Testament. One of the panels (left-hand-side翻譯社 second from top) illustrates the life of Noah, in particular the period after the Great Flood when Noah returns to dry land with the help of God. Strangely 翻譯公司 the Ark is depicted as a pyramid.

據《領土報》報道,新辨識 翻譯片斷可以說是改變了萬國翻譯社們對於諾亞方舟的認知 翻譯社另外,像是邁蒙尼德這位中世紀作家也認為方舟的屋頂是呈尖頂狀的翻譯


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