

"at the moment, the 70,000 stories available on the dispenser are translations of stories submitted by french writers 翻譯公司 as short édition is based in france. stories are chosen based on reader feedback and a screening committee's recommendations." - palm beach daily news. short édition hopes to open submission to english-speaking writers early next year.

i never know where he'll pop up next.

法國新創公司short édition的浏覽販賣機
法國新創公司short édition的浏覽銷售機


短篇小說機初次表態是在巴黎戴高樂機場,兩周內,跨越一萬個故事被列印出來 翻譯社現在它也呈現在澳洲、香港、美國--首台機械由知名導演法蘭西斯柯波拉引進,安裝於他在舊金山 翻譯咖啡館。

「今朝小說機有七萬個故事可供給,由於short édition 是法國公司,小說皆由法國作者撰寫,翻譯成英文 翻譯社故事憑據讀者的意見和審查委員會建議選出。」palm beach daily news報道。short édition進展明年初對英語作者開放投稿。

"inventive (a)vending machines have been (1)popping up around france. instead of dispensing sweet treats or sugary drinks 翻譯公司 however, these kiosks distribute short stories. created by literature-loving company short édition 翻譯公司 these savvy stalls promise to help pass the time, whether you're waiting at the airport, stuck at the train station, or even accompanying your (2)significant other on a particularly trying trip to the mall."- my modern met

you can add categories and recipes at the touch of a button.

3. at/with the touch of a button 只要按個鈕,也就長短常容易操作的意思

【文‧nikki lu】

"short édition's loic giraut says that the (b)random element of the dispenser - you never know which story you'll get of the several thousand the company has curated to date - is one of the (c)allures. they do have the ability to customize, however. the french national train system recently requested all romance tales for the week of valentine's day." -the boston globe

接待帶你 翻譯另一半來參加勾當 翻譯社

the "short story dispenser" first debuted at charles de gaulle airport in paris. two weeks since launch,and more than 10 翻譯公司000 stories had been printed. the dispensers have now been installed in australia,hong kong, and the u.s - first introduced by the renowned director francis ford coppola in his san

1. pop up 冒出來

一類別出機杼的銷售機在法國遍地冒出。它不賣糖果或含糖飲料,而是發放短篇小說 翻譯社短篇小說機由熱愛文學 翻譯新創公司short édition發現,等飛機、等火車,乃至陪另一半逛街時,這台銷售機就是打發時候的好幫手。my modern met報導。

according to the guardian, "the free stories are available (3) at the touch of a button 翻譯公司 printing out on rolls of paper like a till receipt. readers are able to choose one minute, three minutes or five minutes of fiction."



you're welcome to bring your significant other to the event.

2. significant other 另外一半、伴侶

francisco café.

。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

銷售機可以買現煮咖啡和泡麵不稀奇,法國機場、車站裡 翻譯販賣機,發放免費短篇小說,選擇浏覽時候長短,機械就會印出一篇長度適中的短篇小說給你 翻譯社這台短篇小說機而今已經泛起在澳洲、美國和香港。進入本文前,想一想以下單字英文怎麼說:(a)自動銷售機 (b)隨機的 (c)誘惑力

short édition的loic giraut對波士頓舉世報說,隨機這個元素,是小說機的魅力之一--你永久不知道幾千個故事裡,哪個會來得手上 翻譯社不外,他們也能客製化,法國國鐵就要求在戀人節周只發放戀愛故事。

本文收錄於英語島english island 2017年9月號

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