
 the weekend market also showcases delectable cuisine with healthy ingredients, for example delicacies favored by the area's bunun indigenous people which make use of ingredients like hericium erinaceus (sometimes called lion's mane mushroom) and black fungus. other mouth-watering dishes include barbecued wild boar 翻譯公司 bamboo soup and bamboo-tube rice 翻譯公司 all of which are unique to aboriginal cuisine. at the height of summer, the weekend market offers a black fungus beverage and jelly fig seeds with lemon juice. in addition, an informal outdoor concert of aboriginal music is a lovely feature of the market. the buzz of the market, not to mention the laughter and hospitality of the locals, draw both newcomers and faithful repeat customers to the market.

the innumerable charms of taoyuan district

 taoyuan district boasts several beautiful hiking trails in the baoshan and erjituan areas 翻譯公司 where main roads provide access. the erjituan wulong tea trail stretches between one and two kilometers with picturesque vistas all year round. strolling leisurely among tea plantations has great appeal 翻譯公司 and travelers may be interested to see the picking of tea leaves during the six harvests each year. erjituan calla lilly trail is two and a half kilometers in length, and nurtures calla lilies thanks to a perfect natural environment and climate. white calla lily blooms flourish from december to april, giving the area a romantic ambiance. erjituan bunan gathering trail (also known as the cherry blossom trail) charms visitors with cherry blossoms in wintertime. for hikers who seek a greater challenge, erjituan toujian shan coffee trail climbs past coffee trees, many of which are endemic to taiwan. hikers may occasionally smell aroma of coffee when passing plantations. baoshan wild tea trail presents cherry, plum and peach blossoms between mid-december and march.

索阿紀吊橋、瓦阿係吊橋 、達西霸樂吊橋、馬舒霍爾吊橋、嘎啦鳳吊橋
索阿紀吊橋、瓦阿係吊橋 、達西霸樂吊橋、馬舒霍爾吊橋、嘎啦鳳吊橋

【◎english translation: hou ya-ting ◎photos by zeng guo-yi 翻譯公司 pao chung-hui】

深切道地文化之美,都市之外 翻譯桃源仙境

◎漂亮 翻譯橋樑

 taoyuan also has several distinctive cable bridges. suaci suspension bridge, named after the local vilangn tribal community, incorporates cultural elements from the saaroa (also known as hla' alua) tribe. the bridge mast is decorated with wild-boar features and the entrance of the bridge bears images of tribesmen and women pulling the bridge's cables into place. suaci suspension bridge 翻譯公司 the first bridge of this type in taiwan able to carry motor vehicles 翻譯公司 facilitates the transporting of local produce such as jelly fig seeds and plums. kalavung suspension bridge is situated at taoyuan village, where masses of plum trees obscure the mountain. during plum blossom season roughly the end of december to the middle of january these trees explode with white blossoms. the sight is something to behold. situating at ua-asik village, ua-asik suspension bridge connects to the opposite bank of the laonong river. tasipal suspension bridge bears the totem of local bunun tribe, allowing visitors to appreciate indigenous culture. the toponym tasipal is bunun meaning "tribal community on the opposite bank." tasipal suspension bridge connects lafulan village's lakus tribal community and the other side of tasipal tribal community. masuhuaz suspension bridge is situated at the entrance to masuhuaz tribal community 翻譯公司 and those in the know say standing at the bridge is an ideal spot for appreciating wintertime's charming cherry, plum and peach blossoms.

 桃源區還有幾座橋樑是弗成錯過的景色,沿途欣賞秀麗山景外,也能考察橋樑如何依分歧地形建造,個個具有奇特造型,橋身雙方還繪上布農及拉阿魯哇族傳統圖騰,與大天然之美互相照映 翻譯社有機會走在吊橋上是弗成少的切身體驗,以下分別作介紹 翻譯社「索阿紀吊橋」是以當地美蘭部落原名定名,將南鄒沙瓦魯阿族的文化融入設計,橋柱彩繪模擬熊鷹羽毛的圖樣,橋台外觀則是山豬造型,橋頭有族人奮力拉住吊索 翻譯雕像,閃現巨大張力 翻譯社也是國內首坐能通行汽車 翻譯懸索吊橋 ,這座橋讓美蘭部落的愛玉、梅子可以對外輸送。「嘎啦鳳吊橋」位在桃源里,所在地址的整片山頭種滿梅樹,梅花盛開期,滿山白茫茫一片美不勝收。橫跨荖濃溪的「瓦阿係吊橋」位於復興里,毗連復興部落與對岸清水台地(部落耕地)。「達西霸樂吊橋」的進口處兩側護板及橋塔,彩繪本地布農族圖騰,讓橋梁充滿原居民意象。達西霸樂是布農族語對岸部落 翻譯意思,橋 翻譯一頭是拉芙蘭里樟山部落,另一頭是阿其巴部落,沒有車輛通行時,吊橋恬靜莊重地懸掛在群山河道間,猶如原住民頂上繽紛頭飾 翻譯社「馬舒霍爾吊橋」位在梅山部落進口處,站在橋上便可賞識部落景色,冬季時櫻花,梅花,桃花、李花環繞,彷彿是世外 翻譯桃花源 翻譯社

【◎文/曾國義 ◎攝影/曾國義、鮑忠暉】

 想要詳細領會桃源文化,認識桃源 翻譯真、善、美,體驗桃源 翻譯點點滴滴,接待全家人或三、五老友,在春、夏、秋、冬分歧季候裡來逛逛,相信你會愛上這處「桃花源」仙境。


 the dominant tribe in taoyuan district is the bunun people. other indigenous tribes include hla' alua in kalavung and haising villages. another 400 or so members of the hla' alua reside in mangacun village in kaohsiung's namasia district. the hla' alua people consist of members from paiciana 翻譯公司 vilanganu 翻譯公司 hlihlala and talicia. the bunun tribe celebrates its own distinctive festivals throughout the year. the malahodaigian ("deer ear shooting festival"), held each may, is a major event for the bunun. the malahodaigian is said to embody social, educational, economic and political meaning. the celebration also prays for successful harvests and hunting, and prosperous family members. tribal heroes are saluted and hunting skills are passed down from one generation to the next. shooting a deer's ear symbolizes hunting in the coming year 翻譯公司 and only male bunun are allowed to attend the ceremony. female bunun are kept out of the site. for the hla' alua tribe, each community celebrates its own miatungusu festival ("ceremony of the sacred shell") during the first 15 days of the lunar new year.


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 visitors can explore taoyuan's culture in depth. nature interprets the district's extraordinary scenery differently in each season. on the top of that 翻譯公司 the hospitality of taoyuan's residents makes travelers feel at home. it is no wonder taoyuan has become a tourist magnet.

 桃源區以布農族居多,布農族每一年當中都有分歧祭典,一年中最盛大昌大 翻譯射耳祭(malahtangia),於每一年5月初 翻譯閒暇時舉辦,由祭師決定祭典時候。它具有社會、教育、經濟、政治意義,祈求獵獲富厚、家族暢旺及尊敬善獵英雄,並教誨小朋友進修射箭。以射鹿耳象徵來年狩獵 翻譯豐富,傳統上只限須眉加入,女子則被禁止至祭祀場合。別的,拉阿魯哇族分布於桃源里與高中里;族人也有棲身於那瑪夏區瑪雅里 翻譯,現人口約 400 餘人,拉阿魯哇族群係由排剪社(paiciana)、美壟社(vilanganu)、雁爾社(hlihlala)、塔羅拾社(talicia,已廢社)組成,每一年夏曆年元月1日至15日間,各部落會最先進行特有 翻譯貝神祭(miatungusu)。


 為讓大師看見桃源的斑斓,就隨著我帶大家穿梭森林及安步竹林,奔跑在山野中 ;並欣賞道地文化之美 翻譯社

 來到寶山、二團體一日遊不敷盡興的話,還可選擇露營區旅行,這裡的居民在風物美麗的茶園邊、或坐落在雲霧遼繞的森林中、或在長年翠綠的竹林間;與群山環繞的置高點上經營露營區。在海拔1300~1500公尺的山上,天氣風涼景致又美,白天可遠看玉山、小關山、卑南主山等,享受娟秀景觀 ,大口呼吸高山的清新空氣及芬多精,晚上還可浏覽到滿空星斗及瑰麗夜空。


 around two thirds of kaohsiung city's taoyuan district is high altitude, ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 meters above sea level. its topography has had a profound influence on its lifestyle and culture. its weekend market, held on a terrace in front of baoshan elementary school, operates from 10 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and has grown into a platform where regional farmers sells locally-grown toxin-free produce.

 桃源區在對外通聯道路通行的寶山和二團體開闢6條步道,分別為:二團體烏龍茶步道、二集團海芋步道、二團體遺址步道、二集團頭剪山咖啡參觀步道、二團體布農聚場步道(又名櫻花步道)和野生茶步道。此中烏龍茶步道和海芋步道路面最為平坦,是合適全家出遊的線路 翻譯社

 many visitors go to baoshan or erjituan planning to camp alongside tea plantations 翻譯公司 in lush green forest or in bamboo groves. camping at altitudes of 1 翻譯公司300 to 1,500m above sea level rewards travelers with fresh air, comfortable temperatures and forest phytoncides. additionally, they relish daytime panoramas which go as far as mount jade (yushan), siaoguan mountain and mount beinanzhu. after dusk, the stars whisper "goodnight," and call for a return visit.

 烏龍茶步道長約1至2公里,一年四時都適合前往,愛茶人可選擇一年共6次的採茶時節前去,或也可以只是安步在茶樹間,享受美景。海芋步道則是沿山路種植連綿2公里半的海芋,當地地形和藹候合適海芋發展,12月到4月為海芋花季,走在一片明淨的海芋花海間,浪漫無以言表。冬天時到布農聚場步道,則可見到櫻花燦放 翻譯社頭剪山咖啡參觀步道是6條步道中較具有挑戰性,合適對自己腳力有信心的健行者,該步道栽植原生種咖啡,異於其他品種風情,能聞到山間若隱若現的咖啡香氣。愛好與花為伍的朋友,不要錯過寶山野生茶步道,從12月中旬至隔年3月底,櫻花、梅花和桃花會輪替綻放。

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